Friday, 24 August 2012

Young Japanese-Language Teacher (YJT) Dispatch Program

Young Japanese-Language Teacher (YJT)
Dispatch Program :
Yamada Tomoko Sensei

Kiri/Left :  Yamada Tomoko Sensei
Kanan/Right : Chee Lee Sia Sensei (Panitia Bahasa Jepun SIGS/SIGS's Japanese Teacher)
Tomoko sensei mengajar pelajar-pelajar Kelas Bahasa Jepun SIGS.
Tomoko Sensei teaching SIGS's Japanese Language Class' students.
Lawatan SK Bandar Baru Uda 2.
Visits from SK Bandar Baru Uda 2.
Lawatan SK Bandar Baru Uda 2.
Visits from SK Bandar Baru Uda 2.
Kelas tarian "Yamaga Tourou Bon Odori" (山鹿灯籠盆踊り) oleh Tomoko Sensei.
"Yamaga Tourou Bon Odori" (山鹿灯籠盆踊り) dance class by Tomoko Sensei.
Persediaan untuk Hari Kebudayaan Jepun SIGS 2011.
Preparation for Japanese Culture Festival Day of  SIGS 2011.
Kelas membuat makanan Jepun oleh Tomoko Sensei.
Making Japanese sushi class by Tomoko Sensei.

Kelas lain oleh Tomoko Sensei.
Other classes by Tomoko Sensei.
Hari Olahraga SIGS 2011.
Sports Day of SIGS 2011.

SIGS の 日本文化 デー / Japanese Culture Day of SIGS / Hari Kebudayaan Jepun SIGS

SIGS の 日本文化 デー 。
Japanese Culture Day of SIGS.
Hari Kebudayaan Jepun SIGS.

Persembahan "Yamaga Tourou Bon Odori" (山鹿灯籠盆踊り).
"Yamaga Tourou Bon Odori" (山鹿灯籠盆踊り) performance.

Persembahan "Yamaga Tourou Bon Odori" (山鹿灯籠盆踊り).
"Yamaga Tourou Bon Odori" (山鹿灯籠盆踊り) performance.
Sushi King.

Gerai kaligrafi Jepun.
Japan's calligraphy stall.
Gerai permainan Jepun.
Japan's games stall.
Permainan Jepun.
Japan's game.

Gerai lipatan kertas "Origami" (折り紙) Jepun.
Japan's paper folding "Origami" (折り紙) stall.

Gerai lipatan kertas "Origami" (折り紙) Jepun.
Japan's paper folding "Origami" (折り紙) stall.
Gerai menyungkit ikan emas "Kingyo Sukui" (金魚すくい) Jepun.
Japan's goldfish scooping  "Kingyo Sukui" (金魚すくい) stall.

Gerai menyungkit ikan emas "Kingyo Sukui" (金魚すくい) Jepun.
Japan's goldfish scooping  "Kingyo Sukui" (金魚すくい) stall.

Gerai "Tanabata" ( 七夕) Jepun.
Japan's "Tanabata" (七夕) stall.
Gerai "Tanabata" ( 七夕) Jepun.
Japan's "Tanabata" (七夕) stall.
Gerai penanda buku bergambar "Anime" Jepun.
Japan's "Anime" pictures' bookmarks stall.

Gerai penanda buku bergambar "Anime" Jepun.
Japan's "Anime" pictures' bookmarks stall.

Saturday, 11 August 2012

国際交流 プログラム / International Exchange Program / Program Perantarabangsaan 2011

国際交流 プログラム、学校訪問、園部高等学校 (日本)
SIGS へ ようこそ。
International exchange programs-School visits-Sonobe High School (Japan)
Welcome to SIGS.
Program Perantarabangsaan-Lawatan ke Sekolah-Sonobe High School
Selamat datang ke SIGS.


Sambutan ketibaan guru-guru dan pelajar-pelajar Sonobe High School di SIGS.
Welcoming/greeting the arrival of Sonobe High School's
 teachers and students at SIGS.
Sambutan ketibaan guru-guru dan pelajar-pelajar Sonobe High School di SIGS.
Welcoming of the arrival of Sonobe High School's teachers and students.


Penyampaian ucapan daripada Siti Munirah bagi menyambut kedatangan
guru-guru  dan pelajar-pelajar Sonobe High School.
Welcoming speech by Siti Munirah.
Ucapan oleh wakil Sonobe High School.
Speech by representative of Sonobe High School.

Penyampaian ucapan daripada wakil pelajar Sonobe High School.
Speech by Student representative of Sonobe High School.
Persembahan oleh pelajar-pelajar Sonobe High School.
Performance by students of Sonobe High School.

Persembahan  Soran Bushi (ソーラン節) oleh pelajar-pelajar Sonobe High School.
Soran Bushi (ソーラン節) performance by the students of Sonobe High School.

Persembahan Tarian Melayu oleh pelajar-pelajar SIGS.
Malay Dance by students of SIGS.
Persembahan Tarian Cina oleh pelajar-pelajar SIGS.
Chinese dance by students of SIGS.

Persembahan Tarian India oleh pelajar-pelajar SIGS.
Indian Dance by students of SIGS.
Tarian India bersama dengan pelajar-pelajar Sonobe High School.
Indian Dance with students from Sonobe High School.

Lawatan ke Bilik Muzik 2 SIGS.
Visit to the Music Room 2 of SIGS.

Lawatan ke Bilik Muzik 2 SIGS.
Visit to Music Room 2 of SIGS.
Lawatan ke perustakaan SIGS.
Visit to the library of SIGS
Lawatan ke Bilik Seni SIGS.
Visit to the Arts Room of SIGS.
Masa rehat/makan tengah hari selepas melawat ke bilik-bilik khas SIGS.
Recess time/lunch time after visiting the specific room of SIGS.

Penyampaian hadiah oleh Penolong Kanan Kokurikulum, Puan Wong,
kepada wakil Sonobe High School.
Prize/Award-giving  by the Senior Assistant Co-curriculum, Puan Wong,
to the representatives of Sonobe High School.
Penyampaian hadiah kepada wakil Sonobe High School.
Prize/Award-giving to the representatives of Sonobe High School.
Penyampaian hadiah kepada wakil Sonobe High School.
Prize/Award-giving to the representatives of Sonobe High School.
Penyampaian hadiah kepada wakil Sonobe High School.
Prize/Award-giving to the representatives of Sonobe High School.

Pengambilan gambar bersama.
Taking photos together.
Pengambilan gambar bersama sebulum peninggalan wakil/guru-guru dan pelajar-pelajar
Sonobe High School dari SIGS untuk ke tempat lain.
Taking photos together before thedeparting of the representative/teachers and
students of Sonobe High School  to other places.
Peninggalan guru-guru dan pelajar-pelajar Sonobe High School dari SIGS untuk ke tempat lain.
Departing of teachers and students of Sonobe High School to other places.